Its an American company created by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph on August 29, 1997. It is globally know and operates throughout the wordl. It is dedicated to providing audiovisual material(Movies, series, documentaries) Paying a monthly payment.

It has a large number and variety of mvies, television series, anime... and its own creations.

It is the most recommended page to see things, since they constatly updateing and adding more movies

Little by little, young people have stopped watching television, and those who come later will do so less and the news will be seen by internet, therefore, services like these will have at our fingertips. All kinds of series to seen when we want and where we want. Even with the possibility of downloading to watch later.

In Spain there are more than 4.5M people subscribed to Netflix. Many more than other plataforms

In my opinion, this type of plataforms leads the field of entertaimnet, along with YouTube, is the most normal. They have managed to adapt to current demands






  1. It is a good platform, I have been using it for a long time and I do not have half the information that it seems in this blog.


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