In these times technologies have advanced a lot in all areas, but I am going to talk about the future advance that TV will have.

Currently we use to control the TV a remote that they give us integrated when we buy it, but in the future the control will be our phone, sif it is true that there are applications of this type but none is fully functional. in the future the resolution of television will reach a level which we didn't even expect could.

It will have convacas screens (convacas screens are like virtual reality would allow us to get into the scenes and live them more intensely, and will be accompanied by devices that are capable of pulling you with a spray of water or fog and an envolent sound making you live to the limit of the video game scene or television.

There will be programs where you can challenge the contestant from your home either with the phone, tablet or computer, while they play from the plate and you watch them from the TV you will have the opportunity to play against them, you could opt for coins that would be obtained by winning games and opt for many and diverse prizes

There will be interactive ads where you can use the mobile either to look for information or to buy the product without having to get up from the sofa (You can use a Qr Code, ad if you have a tactil screen you can use it) 

Thanks to the advancement of television and internet platforms we have a very wide source of entertainment and as this evolves the union of both together with these technologies will emerge good and diverse ideas that we had never thought would arise and with the passage of time they will become something normal in everyday life


In my opinion you will be so quiet and well watching TV that you will spend time in a moment, you can be with the family and friends having a good time, you can see countless things, from my point of view it will be a unique experience that we had never seen or lived


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  1. I think you could have writting it in english as the other groups have done. The appereance of the web is not bad at all but leaves much to be desired

  2. The most epic blog i ever seen my dude GJ 💪

  3. It is incredible how a blog can be so well done, it really deserves to be awarded an Oscar for such excellent work, if I could make a wish, I would choose to have a child with this blog.


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