An internet plataform is a part of internet, portal or cybersite, that is used for save diferents types of information both personal or bunisses level. This types of plataforms works with certain operating systems and run programs or applications with different content, such as games, images, text, calculations, simulations and video, among others, which can be considered grouped in a collection of tools and services that a organization uses to develop a digital strategy.

Digital platforms can also be conceived as systems that can be programmed and customized by external developers, such as users, and in this way can be adapted to innumerable needs and issues that not even the creators of the original platform had contemplated, resulting in a type of social networks, which allows maintaining contact with friends, family, users in general, which encourages participation and use. Digital platforms have positioned themselves in the virtual field through the beginning of Web 2.0, which defined new alternatives on the use of the web platform for collaborative work. Through the new interaction between users and virtual systems, digital platforms have become blurred, giving rise to the diversity of websites that supports this line of virtual work.

It is important to bear in mind that through digital platforms, regardless of the focus of each one of them, it is possible to manage content and carry out a wide variety of activities through web portals. In this way, this type of application has been taking quite a lot and is currently still in continuous development. Digital platforms aspire to position the web as the main channel for acquiring content. Its features include:

  • They are creators of content and services: they bring together different providers, applications, services, content and developers. Its value grows as the supply increases, both in quantity and quality.
  • They can be open or closed. Apple is the dominant one among closed or proprietary platforms, while Android or various telecommunications companies aspire to create open platforms with different degrees of control over third-party developments).
  • They offer preferential access to premium content. <meta/> That is, with higher quality of content, bandwidth, resolution, interface, etc.
  • -They are multi-support and multi-channel. It allows access through the web, mobile phones, game consoles, televisions connected to the Internet, etc. 
  • -They give more control of the contents and their intellectual property rights and use to the providers, in addition to gathering more data from the clients and they are managers of the end user. 
  • -Payment for access or content charging business: various business models coexist with payment for content, access subscriptions, micropayments, licenses for content associated with equipment and supports, etc. 
  • -They allow access to packages of content or services: no platform is content with a single offer, content is profitable in packages (such as pay TV), as well as services (internet, landline, mobile and pay TV packages telecommunications operators).


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  1. It is an interesting subject, since in a while we will have it in our day to day and it will change our lifestyle a lot.

  2. Hello

    I love the design of the site, it is very visual. the only drawback I see is the high excess of text that there is, it is very well explained but could be more summarized.


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